Tag Archives: Paper Money

An Important Auction of Historical and Ancient Indian Coins on July 15th and 16th

Marudhar Arts Auction is holding it’s 18th and 19th auctions in the middle of July. This auction is a very important selection of historical coins from India, as well as a wide range of worldwide and European colonial coins and paper money. Bidding is online and live coming from Bangalore, India. Bidders from around the world can join for bidding through iCollector.com. There are over 900 lots of coins from Ancient India, Medieval India, Sultanate India, Mughal Kingdom, Independent Kingdoms, Indian Princely States, European Colonies in India and British India, World Wide Coins, Medals, Republic India, Proof and UNC Coin Sets, Paper Money and Error Coins of India. This is an incredible auction that is not to be missed. Bidders who can not be online during the sale can leave their bids online at anytime in advance of auction day.

The outstanding feature of the first day will see a very rare Gold Dinar Coin of Samudpfragupta of Gupta Dynasty come through the auction block at Lot 55. The full description reads: “Gupta Dynasty, Samudragupta(335-370 AD), Gold Dinar, King and Queen Type (Licchavyah),issued in the memory of his parents Chandragupta I and Kumaradevi,Obv:king standing at right and queen at left, facing each other, with crescent above, king holding uphis right hand offering flower to the queen and brahmi legends at leftsri kumaradeviandchandrain the right field,Rev:goddess durga seated on recumbent lion right, holding cornucopia and pasha and brahmi legendLichhavyahto commemorate the marriage alliance of Chandragupta I and Lichhavi tribe,tamgha at left,7.20g, 20.12mm,(Altekar, Bayana # Pl. I-6 ),about extremely fine,Very Rare.” This once in a lifetime buy is estimate in value at 200,000 to 300,000 Indian Rupees.

The 2nd day’s most valuable offering is on display at Lot 225. This is an extremely rare Silver One Rupee Coin of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj of the Maratha Confederacy. As described in intricate detail by the auctioneer it reads: “Maratha Confederacy, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Silver Rupee, Obv:srijagadamba prasanna,Rev:raja shiv chhatrapati,11.45g, 20.5mm,(Maheswari Wiggins # T1, Pg21; Article by Prashant Kulkarni in the Journal of MCS), about very fine,Extremely Rare.

Maheshwari Wiggins in their book mentions about this historically important coin of Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj that these were probably struck at Rajgad on the occasion of Shivajis Coronation which lasted from 30th May 6th June 1674.

This is an undated rupee with nagari legends, though many of the letters fall off the flan but a reasonable construction may be made from what can be seen. The reverse reads as Raja/ Shivachha/ trapati and it is possible that Shri precedes this, and the obverse is certainly as Shri Ja/gadamba(be) prasanna.

The obverse reading of the coin which is Jagadamba Prassana has an important meaning which states illustrious jagadambe/happy jagadamba. It is believed that Jagadamba (Jagat Amba) is the mother of the world and one of the avatars of the goddess Bhavani who is also the family deity (Kul-Devi) of Shivaji and also one of the chief deities of the Marathas. Many instances were recorded by Grant Duff where Shivaji claimed to have been inspired on the important occasions by Goddess Bhavani.Shivaji had also built a shrine in paying the respect to her at Pratapgarh and even named his sword after her. It is also reported that the necklace made out of these coins is worn by the Goddess Tulja Bhavani, the deity of Tuljapur located in the Osmanabad district of Maharashtra.”

All pieces have a full array of photographs and detailed descriptions for inspection. Bidders can join with confidence they are getting one of the best offerings from a truly exceptional Indian auction house. Marudhar Arts is pleased to answer any questions through email or telephone and their full contact details are in the online catalog.

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