Tag Archives: Collectibles

April Auctions from Bodnarus Present Collectibles, Machinery, Equipment, Vehicles, and More

Bodnarus Auctioneering has a busy April planned with several auction sessions throughout the second half of the month as part of their great James Stewart Estate Auction Sale. This large and varied estate needs several auction dates to put everything up on the auction block. Included are gas and oil collectibles, tools and equipment, outboard engines, motorcycles, bikes, and vehicles. In addition, there is a farm auction from set up for live bidding. All auctions are open for live and absentee bidding throughout the month right up until auction day.

First up is the weekend of April 16th and 17th with two days from the James Stewart Estate. On Saturday there are over 500 lots that include gas and oil collectibles as well as military collectibles. There are signs, cans, advertising materials all related to the oil and gas industry. The military collectibles cover a wide range from clothing and caps, to ammo boxes, field telephones, and artwork. On Sunday the collection brings another selection of over 500 lots and this includes tools, engines, sports collectibles and more. Some highlighted items include a metal lathe, a watching machine motor from Maytag, an antique garden blow, and sports collectibles including some vintage boxing gloves and a bell.

The following weekend on the 23rd is a selection of farm equipment from the Dennis and Edie Viczko estate. Included here is a 1992 Chevy Silverado which will be a great buy, a Snagster boat and trailer, along with a 1980 Chevy 60 truck. There are some great buys on equipment with a JD Round Baler up on the auction block, a 1986 Case International 4000 Swather, and a 1977 Case Tractor 1175. All of these items are ready to go and are great for buyers looking for low cost used equipment that will do the job.

Bodnarus closes out the month with the final two days of the James Stewart Estate on April 30th and May 1st. The first day provides a huge selection of outboard and stationary engines to chose from. Highlights include an Iron Horse Outboard motor that has been restored, a 6’ Windcharger Deluxe, and a 7.8 HP Fairbanks Morse stationary engine. There are also vintage parts, pieces, propellers and more to chose from. On May 1st, things wrap up with motorcycles, bikes, and vehicles. Out of over 400 lots there is a great consignment car up for grabs. This is a 1972 Dodge Challenger Rallye that can be found at Lot 2900. Also there are vintage motorcycles from New Hudson, Greyhound Express, and a 1912 Indian Motorcycle engine.

All auction sessions are available online with photos and descriptions ready for registration and bidding. All sessions are starting at 11AM Mountain Time from Fort MacLeod, Alberta. Bodnarus Auctioneering is ready and able to answer any questions via email or telephone and are looking forward to offering great buys at auction all month, live through Bodnarus Auctioneering, LiveAuctionWorld.com, and iCollector.com

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