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House of Treasures Presents a Selection of Bronze Sculptures on March 27th

iCollector.com is hosting a great selection of Bronze Scupltures from Virginia auctioneer, House of Treasures. Carefully selected pieces are up for bidding until the auction closes on March 27th, 2017. High bidder takes home their treasure as all start prices will meet reserves. This is a timed auction that accepts bids right up until 11 PM Eastern Time.

Lot 228 presents a beautiful 19 pounds Bust Bronze of a Labrador Retriever. In the words of the auctioneer: “This Is An Adorably Accurate Bust Of A Young Retriever Dog. These Are Energetic, Lovable, Well-Mannered, Intelligent Dogs With A Great Charm. They Are Easily Trained, And Always Patient And Gentle With Children. Charming, Devoted And Self-Assured, They Are A Popular Family Dog. This One Stands Patiently And Looks Up Excited With A Tilt To His Head. Handmade Using The “Lost Wax Method” With A Two Tone Brown Patina And Is Mounted Atop A Black Marble Base. Bronze Dimensions With Marble Base: Height 12 X Width 11 inches. Weight: 19 Lbs.”. This piece opens for bidding at only $210 and is an outstanding work of art.

A standout 22 pounds Bronze Sculpture on a Marble Base of a Mermaid is highlighted at Lot 233. The full description is as follows: “This Sculpture Of A Beautiful Mermaid Taking A Swim In The Icy Cold Beach Is Beyond Exquisite. She Does Not Seem To Care About The Sun On Her Face And Continues To Swim, Looking As Beautiful As She Is. She Has Two Dolphins As Pets That Swim Beside Her Showing Them How Much She Loves Their Company. While One Hand Is Resting Atop His Head, The Right One Is Leading Her Way. She Is In The Best Shape That Leaves You To Wonder How Perfect Just A Woman’S Frame Could Be. The Mermaid’S Tail Is Astonishing, From The Details Of The Each Shape To The Her Features, Even To Theintensity Of The Water Waves. Her Voluptuous Breast Are Being Covered By Her Gorgeous And Stunning Long Locks. This Sculpture Was Cast Using The Ancient Old “Lost Wax Method” Stained In Brown Patina Finish For Preservation. 100% Handmade And 100% Bronze, Mounted Atop A Black Marble Base. Bronze Dimensions With Marble Base: Height 18 X Width 17 inches. Weight: 22 Lbs.” This incredible piece opens for bidding at only $530 and guarantees to sell to the highest bidder.

House of Treasures are presenting a great series of auctions throughout the month of March. This one is a great highlight of bronze sculptures and has a full array of photos for inspections. With low opening bids and guaranteed sale to the winner, this is certainly the kind of auction that sees a complete sell through. Registration is simple and bid can be places any time up until the closing time at 11PM Eastern Time on March 27th, 2017. The auctioneer will be happy to answer any questions via email or telephone accessible in the online catalog.

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